What is it about motherhood that makes us crazy? Maybe it's because the world around us is crazy. Maybe just maybe it's because satan is a psycho. Or maybe it's because people are absolutely insane. Maybe it's because we feel completely lost. The world has always had sin. The world has always had evil. But once you have kids, Satan attacks you in different ways. Satan loves when you are alone. He hates anything that's Gods design. He will cause strife in family no matter what. So as we become seasoned parents and stronger Christians, the more he uses our nerves to break us down.
The love we have for our children changes us. It changes the way we see the world. It makes us a little bit crazy. That sweet baby is born and all of a sudden it's as if nothing else matters but protecting that baby. You start to see darkness in a different way. It's no longer about us.
The world we raise are kids in today, is not the same world we grew up in. So much has changed. A lot of the same rules don't even apply anymore. It's almost as if we don't know this place. We have gained more wisdom, knowledge, fear and frustration.
It's so easy in today's society to become anxious. It's so easy to live in fear. We know what the Bible says about fear. Yet we still worry about our children. For some mothers it's as easy as letting go and letting God. For other mothers it is a struggle.
For these mothers it is hard to let go of the worry. And to these mothers I say..... I hear you... Jesus hears you... He knew you would worry... Yet He gave them to you anyway... He is not judging you... He does not love you any less... Continue to pray.... The truth is.... there is not a mother out there who doesn't worry.
So stop feeling guilty. Stop blaming yourself for being scared. Stop listening to the ones who say your faith is lacking. Faith can be shown and expressed in many ways. So what..... if this isn't one of them. Think of all the other ways you love Jesus. Think of all the other ways you trust him. You are a good mom. No. Matter. What. You. Hear. If you are a worried mom today, than I want you to remind yourself of this......
There is one power that has never changed.
We serve a God who at the end of it all, after everything has fallen...after everything has changed...He will still be standing. In the midst of all of our fear, confusion, hopelessness, and suffering, we have the enduring, and everlasting promise of serving the one who will always be greater than anything!
It's easy to become discouraged in life, but when we fix our perspective, and start seeing everything against the backdrop of a victorious Savior, we can face absolutely anything with great confidence and peace.
Lord, you are my God; I will exalt
you and praise your name, for imperfect faithfulness, you have done wonderful things. Things planned long ago. Isaiah 25:1