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  • Writer's pictureThe Busy Praying Mom

Save the children. Save their souls.

Throughout the Bible, God used children to emphasize His teachings. To show the importance in bringing them to Him. If He had not done this...we would have failed at sharing His salvation with them. I remember the first time I heard the good news as a child. I remember being excited to go to church. I remember not wanting to leave church. Most importantly, I remember giving my life to Him as a child. I will never forget the way I felt the first time I witnessed the story of His Crucifixion. I was so touched. I remember how sad I was, how angry I was, but I will never forget how unbelievably loved I felt. I just could not believe someone loved me enough to do that for me. As little as I was, I understood. I started to feel guilty. But I understood. We often make the mistake as adults, by thinking that our children are just too young. They won't understand. Oh but that is a common mistake we make in parenting, when it comes to raising them for Christ. It's our job. We have to introduce the Gospel to our children from as young as we can. The world we live in today is even more reason to start. If we do not start living like Jesus, and teaching like Jesus. Then the harder it will be when our children enter the world without us. The worldly things will start influencing them, and tugging at them as soon as they can talk. Worldly ideas and views are everywhere. Children are eager to learn. They want to hear about Jesus. They want to have stories read to them. They enjoy bedtime prayers, and worship songs. The younger the child the more they crave that kind of education and interaction. Children's curiosity have a way of finding out how to learn. So we can either let it come from us or we can let it come from the world. But the world is full of evil right now. The world is not who you want influencing your kids. So today and every day after, I will make it my mission to teach my children everything about this King that I can. I won't let my kids grow up never knowing how much Christ loves them. The greatest love

possible. His salvation, His Grace. His purpose in their lives. I will make sure that they here it from me first.

Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in Heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. Matthew 18:14

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