Being a Christ follower is hard. That is what Christianity is. This

does not mean you love God and continue to sin. Follow is a verb. You have to live, teach, serve and love just like Christ. That includes His people. This is hard sometimes when we are hurt though. After all, we are human. That's one of the glorious things about repentance. That's one reason His blood is so important. But it is not suppose to be easy. We all fall short of the glory of God.There are going to be so many times in your life, where you are put in situations that test your faith. You will have seasons where you don't want to forgive. You will encounter jealousy. You will face betrayel. People will talk about you. They will say your fake. They will say you don't love Jesus. They will try to convince you, and anyone who knows you, that you are a bad person. You might even start to feel so defeated that you start to believe it. But that's exactly what the enemy wants. Satan himself will put people around you that will want nothing more than to sabotage your journey in Christianity. The hard truth is.... the closer you get to God , the more of are target you are to the devil. In these moments you will find yourself doubting who you are. You will be put up against opposition. People will tear you down. Well let me tell you right now that you are an all mighty child of God. No man, woman or child of God has any right to make you feel as though you are unworthy. Then there are those really rough, and tough seasons. You know...the ones where everything is hard. Everyone has an opinion. Everyone, and everything that could possibly go wrong crashes down on you like cement blocks. Relationships are tarnished, your faith is weakening and you just can't take it anymore. You are exhausted and frustrated and just want a break. But what happens....when you break on behalf of Satan, instead of on behalf of Christ. Here's the difference.....
Breaking for Satan.
Yelling Self sabotaging Vengeance Quarrels Judging Pointing fingers Lying Assuming
Breaking for Christ.
Patience Understanding Prayer Love Self awarness Honesty Care
We have all taken a break on behalf of Satan when we have been hurt. It is so easy to lash out. Keeping it together is really hard sometimes. But it is something that should be practiced. It something that is expected of us as followers. It is O.K. to take a break. It is O.K. to want a break. Just as long as it is the right break. So if your going to take a break.......
Be patient, Kind, Hopeful, Trusting, Forgiving, And most of all understanding.
Not just understanding, feelings and situations, but understanding God's commands.
But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing. If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. ... James 1:22-27