How many times have you sat in bed and cried and thought to yourself..."This is never going to work" or "How am I going to get through this? " Life has way of knocking us on our butt. Not to mention...We have a way of lacking faith. We are all guilty of not giving God our full trust when we were worried or scared. There is so much power in shutting off our negative thoughts. If we just take a moment and quiet our minds long enough to hear God. We just need to stop and listen to His voice when He speaks directly to us. As we get closer to God we begin to recognize His voice above any other sound. The Lord has this wonderful way of reaching us. His power is strong enough to speak to any situation we we are going through. Even under the worst of circumstances. He can speak to us in so many ways. It could be lyrics in a song, it could be advice from a friend, it could even be a hug from our own child. Since the beginning of time, God has begun powerful works with a powerful Word. When we listen for Him to speak, we prepare ourselves for Him to do those works in and through us.
The Busy Praying Mom