As moms we have all had the opportunity to be a newbie. With the first child .....for some reason everything is just extra scary the first time around. Starting out we are careful and prepared. However the kind of mothers we become has a lot to do with the kind of mothers we had ourselves. Think about it...... It doesnt matter whether you had a great mother, a mediocre mother, or a just plain bad mother. We subconciously base our parenting on what examples we had, or what examples we didn't have. But what if we became the kind of mothers that parented according to Gods example. Not everyone is blessed with parents that care. Not everyone has parents that are involved. So to any of you that has a hurting heart today ....... It is never too late to heal from it. But if one thing is certain. Its that God is always there and His example will never take you on a path of corruption. If you have been betrayed by your mother it is enough to break you. It does not matter whether you get along with your mom or not. You still have to love her. Even when she lies.....Even when she betrays you...... Even when shes selfish.....And yes even if she throws you on the street like trash(metaphorically speaking). Do not stop praying for her. Do not stop praying for peace. Most of all do not stop praying for her soul. You may not like her all the time . But she is still your mother. On the hard days , when all you yearn for is a simple hug, or a recipe, or to show off your new baby. And you are stuck with disappointment. Take it to the Lord. One of the worst things to feel is knowing that if something happens to you, or if you are in trouble you have no family support. No one to be there to catch you if you stumble. I know it is scary and i know it hurts. But you do not need anyone as long as you have God. He will put people in your path to be your temporary family. You just have to trust. Then there are the mothers that have all the help and support they need. They never have to worry what will happen to their kids if they stumble. Because there is a huge amount of other people behind them to catch them when they fall. No matter what type of relationship you have with your mother it made you the mother you are today. It was either her wonderful example that made you be exceptional, or her lack of mothering that caused you to drive yourself to be better. Either way it would not have happened until she raised you. You at least owe her prayers. I don't know if my personal relationship with my own mother will ever be ok. ......but I wont stop praying for God to heal it. Ladies today Thank God for a mother with whom you share a connection to the children. It was her loving care and ceaseless attention that has empowered you to mother. We should be humbled by our mother's steadfastness. Ladies you should know something..... You are much-blessed daughters. 1 Samuel 1:27-28 "For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him: Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord ; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord. And he worshipped the Lord there."
Give God Time With Your Mother's Heart
Updated: Feb 1, 2020