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  • Writer's pictureThe Busy Praying Mom

Don't look at YOUR beautiful, look at GODS beautiful.

What did you dream you would be when you were a little girl? Well me.... I used to sit and play with paper dolls. Each doll had their own outfit, and their own career. Some were moms, some were veterinarians, teachers, and astronauts. For a long time there I wanted to be an actress. Then I wanted to be a teacher. But what stayed consistent was my dream to be a mom! I had a best friend that wanted to be a princess. She would dress up in tu-tus and tiaras, dance around and pretend to be a princess.I would put on the apron, pick up my baby doll, and plastic kitchen food and pretend I was all grown up with a family of my own. She dreamed of a lavish castle with a handsome prince. I would pretend I lived in a lavish "Home Alone" house with a handsome husband. Then I hit the teenage years, then my twenties. It was the late nineties and early 2000's. I was all about my appearance. You know, Abercrombie, tanning beds, and big sunglasses. But then I grew up. I still live my dream of being a mom, but with that came age and wisdom. I realized that outside beauty and favor isn't at all what I imagined. Nor was it all it's cracked up to be. I hit a season in life where kinda let myself go. I was down on myself and thought I was ugly and unlovable. Than the awesome creator upstairs set me straight. He showed me that I no longer had to hate the woman staring back at me in the mirror. Don't get me wrong...I still care about my appearance. But I am much more focused on the beauty and strength that comes from the inside. The closer my personal relationship with Jesus Christ became. The more He helped me build my inner beauty. He helped me shine my little light out into the world. He gave me this courage and resilience I never had before. He gave me a spirit of love and compassion. It is because of Him I can be a simple vessel of His beutiful blessings. I now rest in knowing, I will always be beautiful in his eyes.

Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30

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