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  • Writer's pictureThe Busy Praying Mom

A mother's love is the heart of the family.

As parents....we raise our children with so much sacrifice. We always put our children first, so that they can have a better life than we had. Our parents did the same thing for us. And one day, with a

lot of prayer, and Godly rearing ,our children will do the same for their children. Sacrifice is love in action, and nowhere is that action more important than loving, carrying for, and protecting our children. All the time we need to pray that we always give to our loved ones without concern for ourselves, knowing that our reward will come from Christ.

Parents... Today I pray that you feel the generosity of spirit that comes when you offer your time, and attention, and care for your family, without asking for anything in return. May you always be filled with more than enough love to go around.

I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. John10:11

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